So crazy to believe that our tiny, little London is almost one and a half. I say “tiny, little London” since it seriously seems like I was pregnant with her yesterday. Or maybe that was Adaline.
She still has those gorgeous, big, brown eyes (that seriously get her out of trouble every. single. time.) Like that time I caught her putting half-eaten Ritz crackers into a vase. Look at that face, you can’t stay mad at that face. And she totally knows it.
She’s our little wild child. Always on the move, and always trying to keep up with Peyton. She has so much love for Peyton, the way she looks at her big sister, or waddles up to her and hugs Peyton melts my heart. She is obsessed with Adaline, and is such a good helper. She is always racing me to Addy when she cries, dragging a swaddle blanket, pacifier, and 32 diapers, and a few burp cloths behind her.
The other day, she was running around the house with one of Peyton’s rain boots on backwards, but still eating crackers. I was quick enough to get it on video. But nothing slows this girl down.
When I was changing her diaper last week, she had about 30 Cheerio’s in there. One or two could be an accident. 30? That’s intentional.
She can identify her nose, mouth, hand, and belly button when you ask her. Mouth is my favorite, because she sticks her tongue out and smiles sooooo big.
Language just happened last week. She had “up”, “mama”, and “dada” down for a while, but she’s been repeating everything lately! New words include: bye!, ball, duck, dog, Addy, baby, sock, thank you (which is more like “dink too!” which is SO cute), yeah, yay, and of course, boot. She’s been all about rain boots lately. Is it just me, or is there something about a little girl in a dress with rubber rain boots that you just can’t help but smile at?
She always wakes up with a smile, and I love hearing her sing and talk to herself in her crib before I get her up.
Her favorite games include: knocking down any tower that Peyton builds, intense rounds of Patty Cake, and this weird yoga/headstand maneuver:
As far as toys she’s obsessing over, the magna-doodle has made a comeback. She loves to color with Magic Markers, and we have this dog house that she LOVES to drag around, and sometimes get stuck in:
But that’s just typical London 😉
Her hair is generally a mess, and most days, she’s the visual definition of “the struggle is real”. But she is the most loving, snuggly little monster, who loves to blow kisses, and gives the best hugs. Happy (almost) 18 months, baby girl!
She sounds so much like my youngest ????
They’ll keep us on our toes 😉
This is hilarious!! What a little doll! She’s so pretty and soooo rambunctious!
She’s the girliest little monster ever lol