Hey, it’s Jenna.
I am married to David, and mommy to Peyton Elise, London Rose, and Adaline Joy, and we live in Michigan! Our life is sometimes crazy, but always fun. I share peeks into daily life, as well as favorite products. I like listing things in twos, and sometimes threes. I’m so happy you’re here!
I graduated in 2009 from Grand Valley State University, with a degree in the School of Communications. Journalism and creative film and video are huge passions of mine. After graduation, I decided to stay in the Grand Rapids area.
Just a few weeks after graduation, David and I met New Year’s Eve; he was my midnight kiss. We were married almost exactly a year later, in November of 2010. Not too long after, Peyton was born.
I began Hey, it’s Jenna as a creative outlet for writing and sharing my love of fashion. When I transitioned to being a stay-at-home mom, fashion took a backseat to mom life. And my blog changed, too.
Life got crazy when we decided to grow our family. To do so, we needed to move. After searching for months without finding a house we loved, we decided to build.
About four months before our move-in date, David and I traveled to the 100th Rose Bowl. We brought a little hitch-hiker back with us. London Rose was born in September 2014, exactly nine months later. (Catch what we did with her middle name?)
The following Spring, we were thrilled to find out we were expecting our third girl. Adaline Joy was born in January 2016.
(fun fact: we only had one kid when designing our new home, and before we hit our two year anniversary in this house, we have three kiddos!)
We live on two acres with our dog, Charles, and have lots of fun. We take birthdays and holidays VERY seriously around here! We love to bake, play soccer together, travel, and so much more!
Come follow us on this journey!
Disclaimer: While some products on this blog may be gifted (designated with a c/o), or a small commission may be made via affiliate links, or posts may be sponsored (will be noted), all opinions are my own, and products are ONLY endorsed if they are truly things we love, would buy, or that fit within our style. A big thank you for supporting the brands/companies that make heyitsjenna.com possible!!