This week was one of those weeks. It was way too hot, so we were cooped up inside, we are trying to break London from her bottle (which is turning into the biggest battle ever), and Addy had booster shot induced rage yesterday. The dog was sick in the middle of the night – which is SO not what you want to wake up to at 1am, and then yesterday, I dropped a yogurt and it exploded, sending yogurt all over me and the kitchen. You’d be amazed at the trajectory of yogurt spray. Top it off with David being in a golf tournament this weekend (meaning he was gone Thursday, and will be gone today and tomorrow as well), leaving me in the trenches alone. Send help wine.
(The silver lining in Dave being in the golf tournament: I get to put on real clothes and hang out with adults tonight and tomorrow night!)
Today, however, started with me seeing some pink flowers blooming in the swamp (that David refers to as a pond) near our house. I was ecstatic to see they are peonies! Like, a HUGE bush of them. So, I did what anybody else with a slight peony obsession would do. I cut off the blooms, and have made plans to adopt transplant them this fall. Peony season is so short, but so pretty. And my kitchen has never been brighter, or smelled better (ok, maybe on Thanksgiving). This week wasn’t a complete wash. Peyton had her last day of pre-k, and will graduate next week. I can’t even comprehend that she will be in kindergarten next year, since wasn’t she just learning how to walk?!
She loved science, art, and lunch time, which to me sounds like we’ve raised her well!
We have been cooking out a lot, since it’s been so nice outside, and in the evening, it cools off enough so the girls can play outside before dinner. Burgers and hot dogs are a group favorite, but I think everybody will be on board with these grilled pizzas and fajita style chicken kabobs – yum! Earlier this week, we had friends over to cookout, and she brought corn to boil. I suggested we grill it. She and David gave me the weirdest looks. She asked if it would pop like popcorn, and Dave started googling it to see if it was a real thing. I grew up on grilled corn, but maybe I’m in the minority? Maybe it’s not a West Michigan thing? I un-husked and cleaned off each ear, then rubbed them in olive oil and salt, and wrapped each individually in foil, and had Dave grill them, while flipping occasionally, until the foil started to blacken. He is very type A, and likes numbers and times and degrees, and I don’t even measure things in the kitchen, so watching him “wait for the foil to blacken” was hilarious. Everyone’s life was changed by how much better corn was on the grill – so this recipe is on deck!!
And with that, nap time is over! Happy Friday!!!
Hey Jenna…………………..I have to say I’m loving your blog, and am now looking forward to it every week.
Lee grills our corn on the BBQ too. Sometimes I just peel the silk off, but leave the husk on (but, this way you have to soak the ears of corn in an ice bath), and other times we just put the corn directly on (no husk or foil). The last couple of weeks we’ve had Mexican corn on the cob…………………so so yummy. We’ll have to have you all over this summer for a pool party one weekend, and we’ll make this. Peyton is so going to love next year…………………..I’m kinda hoping she gets the kindergarten teacher that my kids had.
If we don’t see you at the Benedict’s hopefully, it will be here.
Have a great weekend, and I’m already looking forward to reading next weeks blog.
Thank you so much!! I’ve actually been hoping to run into you! was it you that brought the ahi tuna dip to the Benedict’s last summer? If so, I definitely need that recipe 😉
It was. If you are Facebook friends with Lee he has the receipe with pictures in the photo section of his page. If not, I’ll forward it onto you.
I’ll see if I can find it!! Thanks!!
Ok, I looked, and if you look in photos under albums its way down towards the bottom of the page. It is titled Hawaiian Ahi Tuna Poke. I make crisps to go with them.
Spray Pam onto a cookie sheet. Lay out wanton wrappers and then lightly sprinkle with cumin and sea salt. Then, spray more Pam on top of the wontons. Put in the oven at 250-300 for about 5 minutes. Watch the wantons though because they can over cook very easily. You want them to be light tan/brown in color.
Good luck!
thank you so much!! I need this in my life ???????? if I botch it, I might just invite you guys to every BBQ we have ????????
Enjoyed your blog. It keeps me in touch with your family the recipes sound great. Will have to check them out.
Those peonies are so pretty! I love that yore hoarding them ????
Ok those peonies are GORGEOUS. I would re-plant them too!!! LOL