38 weeks and 5 days, and I am STILL pregnant, friends. Not that I had high expectations to go early, although wouldn’t that be nice? Peyton was a day late, and London was on her due date. Both girls were born on the 29th, so I kiiiiiind of have my hopes set for this Friday. Cross your fingers for me??
Getting dressed is a joke at this point. I wear my favorite maternity jeans (read: the only ones that are even remotely still comfortable) when I have to, but am otherwise living in yoga pants and these super comfy shirts.
I am officially measuring at 34 weeks! A huge jump after measuring at 30 weeks for about 7 weeks. So, baby girl is growing – yay! But I am on track to have another little baby. Again, totally okay with me, since I plan on doing it drug-free again.
I am currently dilated at 1cm, which really means nothing, since with London I went from 4cm to “It’s time to push!” in about 30 seconds. Literally almost had London in the wheelchair on the way from triage to Labor & Delivery. I do have my fingers crossed for another fast delivery (it’s really the only thing that’s helping me with he drug-free option. I was the freak percent who has a bad reaction to the epidural with Peyton, and was put on oxygen. With Lo, we just didn’t have time for it!), although, it would be nice to have enough time to get my IV in, so I can get penicillin for the GBS. With Lo, we had to stay an extra day for observation, since I couldn’t get get the antibiotics before delivery. She was fine – whew!
I am up about 35 pounds. It’s less than I gained with Peyton, so I’m holding on to that. Here’s a little throwback to 38 weeks with Peyton (in all my preeclampsia glory), and with London:
My belly button doesn’t exist anymore, and sleep is a joke. ESPECIALLY when you have an almost 16 month old who likes to take her diaper off in the wee hours of the morning, and have a party in her crib. Three cheers for 4am baths and laundry (insert rolling eye emoji here). Sigh. Life is good!
Hang in there, mama! You look great!
Thanks lady! 🙂
I love how the photos evolved from mirror selfies to the chalkboard! I’ll be thinking of you on the 29th! When is your actual due date? feb 2?
Dirty mirror pictures, you mean lol! Thank you! And it’s the 5th!
I saw you already had your baby, but curious what size you got in this dress? their sizing is weird and I;m unsure how to buy clothes 🙂