I think I’ve been complaining about our lack of a “real” winter all winter. Wednesday, Mother Nature got the memo. We got hit with a crazy storm, and ended up with just over a foot of snow! Which has been amazing for Peyton and London. We’ve been outside more than we have all winter. Rosy cheeks and snowflakes on eyelashes are what winter wonderlands are made of!
Adaline’s first snow angel – she was NOT impressed. (She was outside for a total of 10 minutes, since I was afraid she’d turn into an icicle)
Peyton spent the majority of her time yesterday climbing the “mountain” left behind by the snow plow!
(and yes, Lo is totally wearing socks on her hands – kid hack: she likes them more than mittens)
Taken seconds before she moved, and her boot was stuck in the snow… causing all hell to break loose.
Is there anything prettier than fresh snow coating the trees??
And what would a Michigan winter be without the snowplow taking out your mailbox?? Inserting all the eye-rolling emoji here.
Today, Peyton has big plans to make a snow fort! And I have a big surprise for her: snow paint!! Totally okay with a few more days of winter weather 😉
my hat | my boots | my mittens (on sale!!) | peyton’s coat | london’s coat
So jealous of your snowfall!!
It’s already mostly gone! 55 and rain today – go figure!
Your mittens are amazing! I have the hat and scarf but they sold out of the mint color so I can’t get matching mittens 🙁
I bet they’ll bring them back next winter 😉