We always choose Minted for our holiday cards, but my mind was blown when I found out Minted also has holiday gift wrap essentials last year! This year, I went to Minted first for gift wrap, and absolutely love the papers I picked. In true Minted-quality, the paper feels thick and expensive. You know that feeling of sliiiiiiding your scissors effortlessly through a sheet of paper. So good.
We are actually the family that passes the same gift toppers and gift bags to each other — and have been for the last 30ish years ???????? But that doesn’t stop me from adding new wrapping paper colors each year! This year, I wanted to go “traditional, yet whimsical” and I think I nailed it — thanks to Minted.
Did you know all of the Minted wrapping papers are design challenge winners?! That’s how you know they’re good. Minted also made life SUPER easy for us, by arranging their papers into “collections”, so you can find a vibe/color scheme you like, and take all the guesswork out of coordinating the colors! The Christmas Cheer collection is so fun!
You can find corresponding gift tags and even cute gift stickers here — and they can all be personalized, so you can add names!
As far as organizing/storing my gift toppers, I actually ordered these divided containers (sold as a set of 2), with intentions of using them as sock/underwear organizers in the girls’ rooms, but they ended up being perfect for keeping my holiday gift wrap supplies organized!
In one, I keep all my toppers. Most of these are saved from packaging on Etsy purchases, or cute little odds and ends from leftover crafts. In the other, I have small spools of ribbon and thread! Having everything organized by color makes it SO easy when I am actually wrapping.
Here are some great topper-finds:
I also love making my own pom poms vs using bows – I prefer the look ????
For some gifting inspo, check out my Holiday Guide! Happy wrapping!
xo -j
Thanks to Minted for sponsoring this post.