Happy 2018, guys! 2017 was such a fun year. Addy went from a baby to a toddler, London started school – but also started the year out with a broken leg! So crazy! Peyton has become such an independent girl, and her reading skills have come so far! She is also rocking a new, toothless smile.
I did the Best Nine of Instagram, so here it is:
We had so much fun with our family Halloween costume! It’s going to be a tough one to top! I love seeing the other memories that popped up. Like tiny, little Adaline standing for the first time! Or when the girls got their American Girl Dolls, and matching PJs.
We celebrated birthdays, soccer games, and first steps. We learned first words and made new friends. We took our first family road trip. And we watched Adaline’s personality grow! Dave won his first golf tournament at the club, and I dyed my hair blonde!
We got our toes wet in Lake Michigan, The Thornapple River, and The Atlantic Ocean. We drove through nine states. And checked our boxes on 4 bucket lists.
My brother got married. I got a new sister. The girls got a new aunt. And I got an excuse to play paparazzi at their wedding!
Here’s to a new year, new memories, and hopefully no new casts 😉
Oh! I had no idea about London’s leg! But wow! She’s a trooper!
Happy new year!!
Yes! It was crazy!! Thank you!
Happy new year!!!
Thank you!!